Thursday, November 8, 2012

Painting, Products, and Progress

Last week found me in the midst of half-term, a school holiday that freed up a lot of my schedule.  One of the church elders, Anne, and I took advantage of the down time at Lea Road to do a little bit of redecorating.  We decided to tackle the almost overwhelming task of painting, cleaning, and reorganizing the office in the church; a task which hadn't been undertaken in sixteen years. 

After a length debate we decided on the warm color of Egyptian Sand...I know, this is earth shattering stuff here people!  It took us four days to paint and probably three more to put everything back in its appropriate place.  To be honest it turned out to be a simple task that was both entertaining and therapeutic. 

Now, there is something that people don't tell you about this whole serving business; it is a small YAGM disclaimer and a fine print that no one reads: you may not see immediate return on your work.  To put in a great amount of effort into your work and not see the products of your labor can be rather frustrating.  So, it was refreshing to start a job, work through it, and see the final product just a few days later.

This is where it gets a bit philosophical...

As difficult as this work can be, the best part of this calling is that it is never complete.  Serving is a business of people and as such there is not final product because people are always progressing, learning, and growing. 

While the office project was energizing I am going to stick with people.

G.I.G and so is Life!

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